She Triggered
Have you ever noticed that some people are just so easily triggered to argue? It’s practically like they have an innate ability that allows them to see insults when no one implied or said anything that could even remotely resemble an insult.
Growing up I have always had an opinion on just about everything. You know the typical kid asking who, what, when, where, and who’d you say again. And from where I sit today, having an opinion doesn’t mean I believe I’m right. It means I simply have something to add to a subject. However lately, I have noticed that some women go hard at arguing a point to be right not simply to share a perspective.

Your Emotions Are Yours to Handle
When did women become so confrontational and masculine? So much so, that they often become aggressive in basic conversations. The basic conversation and fun outings can become unmanageable and complex for these women. Who would have imagined that an opinion or better yet an actual fact could trigger a confrontation among friends over 40 or even 50?
How I see it is, at the end of the day my emotions are mine to handle, the world doesn’t owe me or anyone understanding. So it can be frustrating when an individual shows up and expects this behavior to be received as normal.
Based on my own experiences in these situations. Argumentative women experience a lot of complicated, variable emotions, and don’t seem to know how to address and regulate them. It’s as if they are less comfortable with emotions in general, and most importantly, they are less self-aware. This results in exaggerated responses to minor topics. It appears out of the blue and petty to others. But in actuality, they are reacting to something very real that is bothering them; they just don’t recognize what that is.

It Maybe Time To Move On
Now If you are more of a peaceable agreeable personality, then you may have a more painless time navigating and responding to these conversations. Because you might tend to use apathy and insight vs withdrawing. Even in those circumstances, a peaceable personality will retreat in time because it’s exhausting trying to manage these types of relationships.
In any event, If you find yourself dealing with someone who tends to pick fights or starts controversial conversations so they can punish everyone else for responding. I’ve found that keeping things in perspective in an effort to maintain control over my own feelings is a priority. I choose not to get swept up in their hurricane of emotions. Life is about choices and tradeoffs. Choose good energy and trade that negative energy in for positive engagements.
Remain in Your Good Energy

Especially If your opinion was coming from a good place and they can’t comprehend that. Remain in your good energy and remove the thorn from your eye. It’s not practical to stay in that conversation or relationship. It may be more beneficial to save your energy for a functional connection. Periodically we’ve all had to adjust relationships and career choices to better suit who we are as an individual.
Subsequently, If you can’t find friendship or even a workspace that allows you to express an opinion, idea, or sentiments without an argument; it may be time to move on. I would love to hear how you deal with friends or individuals who seem to display argumentative qualities consistently.
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