Len, Sharon, Naomi, and her husband Lou
February was an eventful month for me and I owe it all to my husband who is pictured above in the background cooking up a storm. This year is my last year in my forties and I planned to eat sushi and go to bed. But after an early morning tumble down the stairs. Let’s just say my clumsy self had every intention at that point to stay home and watch TV lol. But little did I know my husband had other plans for my birthday. So he started with “hey I hired someone to take some photos for your blog so you need to get ready”. That was untruth number #1 lol.
Long story short he got me good. He knew just what to say to make his wounded wife retreat upstairs and find something exciting to wear for this so call photoshoot. And guess what? I made my way back upstairs to find what would be outfit numbers 1 two and 3 lol. Needless to say, I got dressed and would begin to be greeted by friends and family. So this digital message is to say thank you to all that texted and showed up for brunch and mimosas. And some decided to exercise their vocal chops to sing a Happy Birthday song while doing the Lord’s work (amen) lol.

last and never least this post was to say thank you and share my appreciation for my husband. Who always manages to pull me out of my safe place and into a spontaneous surprise.
“I am beyond excited to have another space to share with you Every week! Thank you for being here!”